Free download Advanced HTML Protector

Advanced HTML Protector

Protect your hard work on the web (text, links, graphics, HTML) from being stolen by cyber-thieves
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10 votes
File size
1.7 MB
Release date
1 April 2005

Editor's review

Advanced HTML Protector as the name suggests protects your web pages from being plagiarized.
Text, graphics, links and HTML code stealing from web pages is an all too common but serious problem. You need not feel helpless anymore as cyber thieves can be discouraged with this advanced security tool. It allows you to disable the right-mouse click, text selection, offline working and other options which make it easier to copy source code. The HTML as well VB script, Javascript etc. can be encrypted using six advanced encryption schemes making the source code impossible to read and copy. It also allows you to reduce the size of your web page before encrypting it. You can encrypt the entire web site or only a specific section which is sensitive to your search engine rankings.
Your hard work will stay where it is meant to with this advanced security tool which makes your web page unique in itself.

Publisher's description

If you are a web designer, you know how much time, energy and money it takes to create a unique and professional Web Page. You also know how easy it is for visitors to copy your work and reuse it in their Web Page. That is called web site plagiarism. Today, web site plagiarism is all too common. This applies not only to HTML or Javascript code, but also to everything else on a web page, such as text, links, graphics, etc. Therefore you need a professional and effective solution - Advanced HTML Protector will help you to prevent people making unauthorized copies of your Web Page. Advanced HTML Protector protects your Web Page, including HTML code, JavaScript, VBscript, text, links, graphics, etc. It encrypts your Web Page using six encryption schemes and makes the source code impossible for people to read or steal. Advanced HTML Protector also takes additional measures to further protect your Web Page: it lets you fully disable right mouse clicks, disable text selection, page printing, offline use, links display, as well as Image Toolbar and Smart Tags in IE6. Advanced HTML Protector can work with all JavaScript compatible browsers.
The look of your Web Page will not be changed after protection. Advanced HTML Protector can also compress a Web Page before encryption so that the size of the Web Page will be reduced. Another cool feature is the option of encrypting specified sections of the Web Page, which could be ideal for maintaining your search engine rankings.
Advanced HTML Protector
Advanced HTML Protector
Version 3.0
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